Wacky Drivers

An arcade racing game that will let you go through different game modes, compete in the grand prix mode, get to the finish before you run out of gas and be the fastest racer among your friends and the world!

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Forget the numerous groups in spam-filled messaging services. MejengApp is a social network to easily and effectively organize your friends to play football and have a good time.
Users will be able to notify if they wish to attend a match and they can easily create the teams, speak among the guests for a simpler organization of matters related to the game and even choose the color of the uniform they will use.

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Online Udemy Courses (Spanish)

Python OOP Course
Python 3: Programación Orientada a Objetos haciendo juegos

Aprenda DESDE CERO los principios básicos del diseño y programación orientada a objetos utilizando el lenguaje Python 3

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Java Data Structures Course
Estructuras de datos: listas dinámicas y punteros con Java

Aprenda a crear estructuras de datos lineales utilizando punteros en Java mientras creamos un juego de dominó

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Unity Game Creation
Unity: creación de juegos

Coming Soon...

Articles / Blogs

Learnings of a Solo Game Developer — Wacky Drivers video game

I decided that I wanted to create a video game from start to finish. It has been in my mind for a really long time. Here’s what I learned.

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The Art of Delegation: The Human Way to Scale Up

In the world of engineering leadership, delegation stands out as a fundamental human touchpoint crucial for achieving scalability. Really, that’s an important tool people have to scale themselves. While automation streamlines processes, it is delegation that reflects the human artistry in leadership, allowing teams to scale up effectively.

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Improving Performance in Code Reviews

Pull requests are an essential part of the software development process, allowing teams to review and discuss code changes before merging them into the main codebase. However, as projects grow larger and more complex, pull requests can sometimes become slow and inefficient. In this article, we will explore some tips and strategies for improving performance in pull requests.

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Automation and Scaling in Engineering Leadership and Management

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving world of engineering, automation has become a crucial aspect of leadership and management if you want to scale. As software engineers, one of the best ways to scale is by automating different key repetitive tasks or processes.

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Maximizing Your Growth: A Guide to Getting the Best from Platohq Mentorship

I’m an engineer who transitioned to a management role and needed guidance from experienced people to help navigate through challenges. This small guide is intended to help you out better understand how to prepare and get the best from a mentorship session making sure you’re making the best use of your time.

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Creating and Publishing in NPM a React Component in 2024 - Complete Guide

I’ve been wanting to do this post for a while. I’ve found some guides that, while are really good, haven’t been as useful as I would like. Here you will learn how to publish a component into NPM from a scratch.

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Open Source Contributions

Banner Download Count License Version

It is a simple line text banner component (like warning, error, success). Styles (font and background) can be customized. By default the banner has a fade in and fade out animation of 2s. This can be used in two ways, banner can be shown for a specific amount of time using visibleTime prop, or can be handled manually by making the title text null or changing the string.
